How To Fund and Grow Your Digital Resources Collection

Over the past few years, the shift toward using digital resources in K-12 education has accelerated. In fact, more than a third of K-12 educators say over half of their instructional content is now from digital books/ebooks and audiobooks. And almost half of educators (47%) expect their use of ebooks and audiobooks to increase.

However, with district budgets remaining tight, many schools are looking for additional ways to fund their digital libraries. This playbook explores how school districts can use new COVID-19 relief funding options, such as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, to help grow their digital collections even with budgetary limitations. Educators will learn:

  • The main benefits of digital books as compared with hard copy books 
  • Helpful strategies for funding digital resource growth
  • How to select the right digital provider to help you grow and meet your evolving needs

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