IoT in Manufacturing – Applications, Benefits and Challenges

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which is the application of IoT technologies in manufacturing, is experiencing explosive growth. But with this growth comes not only opportunities and benefits but also significant challenges.

In this Impact Brief, you will glean insights, trends and shared learnings on:

  • An overview of IIoT applications
  • Prime drivers for IIoT innovation
  • The benefits of IIoT to manufacturers
  • Considerations when using 3rd party technology
  • The security imperative for commercial use of IIoT
  • Approaches to securing IIoT networks
  • A look to the future with IIoT

Distilling insights from the 16 sources including Accenture, EY, KPMG, Gartner, McKinsey, and Cognizant this Impact Brief provides time-poor professionals with insights that are easy-to-read and digest in less than 10 minutes.

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