Lawnswood School increases laptop longevity with Diskeeper Professional

Due to GDPR, Lawnswood School needed to implement data encryption, which would add an additional overhead to the school’s workstations and laptops.

Noel Reynolds, IT Manager at Lawnswood School said: "We upgraded 150 laptops with SSD storage costing around £120 each, which is a significant investment. I knew from what I had seen the Condusiv software technology achieve in our virtual server estate that they can almost halve the storage I/O traffic that disks need to deal with."

"The Diskeeper software not only prevents the write performance from degrading over time when using SSD storage, but by eliminating many of the erase/write cycles during write operations, the usable life of an SSD disk is extended too. If I can increase their longevity by at least 30%, just by installing a lightweight software application, that’s a great way to ‘sweat the assets’ for longer and that in turn decreases the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) too."

Noel concluded: "Of course, the ‘cherry on top’ is that the RAM caching in Diskeeper makes the computers faster too!"

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