Loans Within Reach: Lending Enablement Benchmark 2023

The financial industry is facing a uniquely challenging year, with rising interest rates and the high-profile failure of several banks driving concerns about a potential banking crisis and continued economic instability. While the landscape of consumer lending isn’t always directly impacted by a possible banking crisis, the overall financial environment is more tenuous, and that precarity is highlighting how lenders are combating risk while increasing the volume of loans they issue.

For credit unions in particular, the use of lending enablement solutions is a big part of this equation. Download this report and learn:

  • Insights on delinquency rates in 2023, especially the impacts on near-prime borrowers
  • How lending enablement solutions help CUs meet or exceed ROA targets and mitigate delinquency
  • Top lending priorities for credit unions in 2023
  • The limits of FICO scores for auto loan decisioning and the value of alternative data sources

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