Oil And Gas Cyber Security: Protecting Refining Networks

Given this worsening threat environment, oil and gas cyber security programs that are able to keep the world’s refineries running safely, reliably and efficiently have become a high priority for owners and operators.

Four incidents shut down industrial operations in 2019. Nine did so in 2020. 22 shut-down operations last year. Shutdowns due to cyber attacks are no longer a theoretical problem. Worse, the sophistication of these attacks continues to increase rapidly. We address the issue of oil and gas cyber security for refineries and dig into two examples of how refining sites achieve network visibility, enable automation and protect themselves with the strongest OT security from modern cyber threats.

In this guide:

  • Digital control in modern refineries
  • Refining automation connectivity
  • Use case: enabling the digital refinery
  • Use case: outsourced OT security monitoring

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