Optical Genome Mapping for Enhanced Characterization of Myelodysplastic Syndrome

The World Health Organization and International Clinical Classification recently released an updated classification of Hematolymphoid Malignancies that included the addition of many new molecular and cytogenetic abnormalities. As the number of important abnormalities increases, karyotyping plus FISH becomes a more expensive and labor-intensive approach. The detection of recurrent abnormalities, especially those with specific clinical management implications, is of growing importance.

This Bionano webinar is intended to provide the combined perspective of an oncologist, Dr. Garcia-Manero, and a pathologist, Dr. Kanagal-Shamanna, on the utility of Optical Genome Mapping in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), a type of hematologic malignancy, based on leading research conducted by their groups at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Topics to be addressed are the role that cytogenetics and molecular genetics play in MDS characterization, challenges faced by pathologists and oncologists when results are ambiguous or non-informative, and the expected impact on the clinical research field. In addition, results from recently published data, and different case studies, comparing OGM to other standard-of-care methods across a cohort of MDS samples will be discussed.

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