Passion and Purchase

Digital platforms enable the wielding of influence over key stakeholder groups more powerfully and readily than ever before. While that should excite brands, it also means that more external parties than ever before wield that influence, too.

For communicators seeking the ultimate result for their efforts – awareness that leads to bottom-line-impacting activity – this is an incredible opportunity and challenge. This eBook, Passion and Purchase, presented by Yonder in partnership with PRWeek, is a powerful tool that will help you take advantage of those opportunities while successfully navigating those challenges.

One of the most important things any brand must achieve is an understanding of their key stakeholders and what they care about. More than that, though, it is imperative to know what those key groups and individuals care about RIGHT NOW.

Furthermore, brands must accept the reality that sentiments constantly change. It’s not enough to just recognize it, but you must understand what is causing those shifts.

As Yonder CEO Jonathon Morgan notes in his insightful eBook introduction, it’s so important to identify the right conversations happening on digital channels. And once you do, it’s just as crucial – if not more so – to listen effectively as it is to engage in the dialogue.

And speaking of dialogues, the pages within recap a recent conversation featuring industry leaders who took part in an exciting, enlightening roundtable focused on understanding key stakeholders and the new ways they are telling brands what they care about and expect from the entities they support.

This eBook concludes with an infographic that offers helpful details on consumers’ social media tendencies – information you’ll want to have as you plan all your outreach efforts.

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