Securing Health Data in a BYOD World

In many ways, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) sounds good to healthcare leaders. It can improve productivity, optimize practitioners’ time and even reduce capital expenditures. But there’s a flip side to BYOD that often sends shudders down the spines of healthcare IT executives and hospital administrators: As BYOD usage increases, so can security vulnerabilities.

Research studies reveal some startling statistics about the risk healthcare organizations face when implementing BYOD programs.

Consider these data points:
  • 39% of employees don’t password-protect their mobile devices.
  • 52% access corporate information via unsecured WiFi networks.
  • 29% of organizations do nothing to manage applications on BYOD endpoints.
  • Only 24% of personal smartphones can be remotely wiped by a corporate IT department.
Finally, and perhaps most astonishing: Only 9% of organizations are fully aware of the devices accessing their network.

These risks may seem daunting, however, advancements in planning and technology are enabling healthcare organizations to deploy secure, HIPAA compliant BYOD initiatives that simplify and improve patient care while safeguarding PHI.

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