Start With A Lead: Eight Critical Success Factors for Lead Generation eBook

For this reason, MECLABS is pleased to offer a complimentary copy of a new eBook, based in part on Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, the popular book published by McGraw-Hill.

In Brian Carroll’s new eBook, you will learn how to develop high-volume, high-quality lead programs for your company. Brian Carroll’s vision is to profoundly change the way people collectively think about lead generation. “I’ve reached many people with my new book, my blog and the services of my company,” says Carroll. “But in order to reach an even wider audience and make a bigger difference in the world, I wanted to publish a free eBook with some of our best ideas. I show readers critical success factors, such as where companies and individuals should focus their time to keep a constant flow of qualified leads in their sales pipeline, as well as how to win new customers, accelerate growth and improve your return on investment through targeted prospects.”

In “Start With A Lead: Eight Critical Success Factors for Lead Generation”, Carroll highlights ways to improve demand generation programs, including:
  • Align sales and marketing efforts to optimize the number of leads
  • Avoid lulls in the sales cycle
  • Develop Universal Lead Definition (ULD) and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
  • Build, maintain, and, grow your database
  • Multimodal lead nurturing
  • Ready yourself for what’s next – new and promising tactics
  • And more
Download your copy today.

NetLine Corporation, a premier online lead generation services provider for B2B marketers is offering this eBook in partnership with MECLABS.

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