Strategic Opportunities in Today’s Credit Markets

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Time: 2 pm ET | 11 am PT

Cost: Complimentary

Editorial Webcast Sponsored by: Eaton Vance

Most investors understand and appreciate the value of bonds in their portfolios, but there is always room to revisit current allocations and explore more options. The current economic and financial conditions continue to affect the fixed-income arena, and they may keep shifting as we approach the U.S. elections and in light of the continuing pandemic.

Join this complimentary webcast to receive critical input on what key economic and financial trends are most influencing the fixed-income arena today and talking points to share with your clients. You will also:

  • Learn about the different investment opportunities available in today’s challenging credit markets
  • Increase your understanding of the pros and cons of investing in the different bond types/sectors in late 2020
  • Get helpful details on fixed-income products tied to floating rate loans, emerging market debt, high-yield strategies and more


Michael Wedekind | AVP, Senior Investment Analyst | Envestnet | PMC

Michael Finke | Professor of Wealth Management | Frank M. Engle Chair of Economic Security at the American College of Financial Services

Robert Jenkins | Global Head of Research | Refinitiv

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