The 5 USP Compliance Considerations Your Pharmacy May Not Know About

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted healthcare facilities with cases of contamination and infection.

This challenge has caused new USP <797> and USP <800> standards to ensure patients receive quality care as safely as possible. Are you meeting these regulations?

Many compounding pharmacies overlook these USP revisions because they are unaware they exist or do not fully understand them. Failure to comply could result in closure and interruptions to your patient care.

In our blog, you will take away:

  • 5 important USP <797> and USP <800> regulations
  • Key areas that pharmacies and facilities should consider to ensure USP compliance updates
  • Why your USP compliance is crucial for patient and worker safety
  • How to always stay up-to-date with regulations now and in the future
  • and more!

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