The Coveo Relevance Maturity Model

Your customers have been taught through 20 years of exposure to Google to expect highly relevant content when they search for it. Anything short of that experience negatively affects conversions, consideration, and commerce.

Settling for a basic, generic search solution on your self-service portal and agent knowledge base directly affects your company’s ability to increase your CSAT, retain your customers and deliver the best-in-class service that aligns with your brand promise.

This white paper offers a framework to assess how relevant are the self-service experiences delivered by your business with actionable next steps to further improve the relevance.

Included in this white paper:

  • The need for a relevance maturity model
  • Recognizing the level of relevance you’re currently at and what that means for your business
  • Actionable steps to increase your level of maturity and positively impact your bottom line

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