Finally, we can move beyond the ancient conflict between data warehouse and data lake! It’s no longer one vs. the other but, rather, how these two concepts can now work together as a modern data warehouse… for the benefit of both business and IT. This white paper shows how.
After a brief review of how data dominates modern business, the meaning and common usage of the two terms—data warehouse and data lake—are explained. Then follows a simple architectural model showing how the two are related to and complement one another in today’s data-rich environment. This clearly demonstrates the power of envisaging a collaborative union of traditional and new approaches.
We then explore eight areas where the appropriate combination and placement of functionality and data across the two environments optimally supports multiple business and technical needs.
Rounding out the paper is a brief description of Cloudera Data Warehouse and how it subsumes both traditional data warehousing and the data lake, to provide a new hybrid on-premises and multi-cloud solution for modern digital business.