The Essential Guide to ABM

The B2B purchase journey is complex. Vendors juggle on average 6.8 stakeholders per purchase, who consult 6 channels each and remain anonymous for most of the purchase journey.

As a vendor, you might ask: How do I reach anonymous stakeholders? How do I help stakeholders reach a consensus? How do I deliver relevant messaging at each purchase stage?

ABM coordinates sales and marketing campaigns across all stages. Whether you’re targeting 5 or 50,000 accounts, ABM can scale 1:1 account targeting for your organization.

Triblio has supported thousands of ABM campaigns to help clients achieve award-winning results. This eBook shares real client campaigns and distills the ABM essentials into a battle-tested “Ready-Set-Go” framework. Learn how to choose the optimal level of personalization, messaging, and channels for each target audience.

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