The Essential Guide to Lifecycle Marketing.

B2B marketing teams need to have a comprehensive understanding of how to measure and improve their contributions to sales and the bottom line. Knowing where to start and how to do this successfully can be overwhelming and can raise more questions than answers.

In this eBook, we’ll draw from our experience as a full-service marketing agency; we’ll give you a proven formula to get started creating and measuring a successful lead platform through process, people and technology. You’ll also get insight into:

  • How investing in the 6 Stages of the Lead Lifecycle can directly impact revenue performance
  • The 6 elements and strategies are needed for Marketing Automation to help engage and convert leads
  • Why a bigger database isn’t always better
  • The 7 steps to start auditing and cleansing your data
  • How Teleprospecting is a crucial component of a mature marketing strategy


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