Time Budgeting – Building Personal Purpose and Motivation

The underlying idea of time budgeting is that for every goal, large or small, personal or corporate, work or pleasure, there are actions that have to be implemented if the goal is to be achieved; it is called the goal-action principle.  

Time budgeting consists of two key steps:  

  • The behavioral plan in mind to achieve the goals
  • Building the psychology to do it  

Time Budgeting offers the insights to enable people to fulfill their potential.  

A general theory of psychology applies to interpret all aspects and all outputs of humanity. Think of it as a ‘lens’ one looks through to ‘understand’. When looking through the lens, what one ‘sees’ looks different depending on the position from which one views the situation. Each book is written from a location in the organizations and describes what the organization ‘looks like’ and ‘how to do it’, looking through the lens from that location. The theory is always the same, but applying is different depending on the situation.

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