Don’t Let Your Mass Price Changes Backfire

Even with the latest pricing optimization software, there’s still a strategic need for companies to perform and announce mass price changes. But rather than making these changes in one fell swoop, it’s best to take a more tactical approach, updating pr…

Shifting the Balance of Power to Your Sales Team

In this report, we’ve highlighted 7 approaches other companies are using right now. Some are more effective than others. Some require more time, effort, and investment than others. Some will work best in combination, while others will work well on their own. There are things you can do to shift the balance of power…learn how today.

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SANS Analytics and Intelligence Survey

By conducting this survey, SANS had hoped to see more improvements in the use and benefits of security analytics and intelligence. However, security teams are struggling with visibility, and the use of “intelligence” is slipping. Learn more about the information gathered by SANS and understand if you’re realizing your threat intelligence investment.

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Social Threat Intelligence (STI)

Fascinatingly, enterprise has been slow to embrace community sourcing security intelligence. Trevor Welsh of ThreatStream will present on Social Threat Intelligence (STI). This talk will detail how STI exists today, and how it might exist tomorrow. Tre…

SANS Analytics and Intelligence Survey

By conducting this survey, SANS had hoped to see more improvements in the use and benefits of security analytics and intelligence. However, security teams are struggling with visibility, and the use of “intelligence” is slipping. Learn more about the information gathered by SANS and understand if you’re realizing your threat intelligence investment.

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Who’s Using Cyber Threat Intelligence

We’ve seen the “commercialization” of malware, with attack kits available on underground forums for anyone who wants to perpetrate a variety of attacks. Large botnets are available for rent, allowing attackers to send spam or launch DDoS attacks at will. Many attackers reuse malware and command and control protocols and methods, adapting their “products” over time to keep ahead of the antimalware industry and security professionals. As more and more attacks occur, however, the likelihood increases that some organization or group has seen the attack before.

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