Relatrio de defesa contra ataques cibernticos 2015 – Resumo executivo (Um relatrio do CyberEdge Group)

O segundo relatório anual de defesa contra ataques cibernéticos do CyberEdge Group oferece uma visão aprofundada sobre como os profissionais de segurança de TI percebem ataques cibernéticos e planejam defender-se deles. Com base em uma pesquisa feita com mais de 800 tomadores de decisÕes e profissionais de segurança de TI, realizada em dezembro de 2014, o relatório apresenta inúmeras observações que as equipes de segurança de TI podem usar para entender melhor como suas percepções, prioridades e posturas de segurança se comparam ás de seus colegas de profissão.

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Edge Hyperconvergence for Robo’s

Hyperconvergence, one of the hottest datacenter IT trends, would also seem an ideal way to address the scale, distribution, protection and management challenges with ROBO IT, but ROBO’s have more challenging requirements due to the lack of IT staff, protected environments, or reliable networking. In response, Riverbed has married world-class WAN Op, virtualization, and enterprise-class storage “projection” to uniquely create an “Edge Hyperconvergence” solution with SteelFusion.

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Riverbed Hyper-converged Edge

Hyper-converged Infrastructure has proven to be a revolutionary technology and a viable infrastructure approach for Data Centers around the globe. However, being “stateful”, makes it an unfit choice for remote branch.

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Rethink Branch IT: Think Zero Branch IT

As the number of branch and remote locations increases, companies find themselves deploying more and more infrastructure, and spending increasing amounts of IT budget to deliver applications and data reliably and efficiently. Valuable company data stored in these locations is often left unprotected and frequently stored on servers jammed into closets, corners and hallways due to limited space. Without qualified IT staff on site to manage servers, storage and backup, provisioning new services, resolving application performance issues and recovering from outages can take days or even weeks, directly impacting business productivity and ultimately business results. Riverbed® offers a new approach – zero branch IT.

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Riverbed Steelfusion Helps Protect Business in Wake of Earthquake

When earthquake, Emilia, threatened the business, WAMGROUP decided to strengthen their branch office disaster-recovery capabilities. They wanted to be able to instantly recover their business and get their data and server rooms away from the high-risk earthquake zone.

WAMGROUP deployed Riverbed® SteelFusion™ branch converged infrastructure to replace physical servers at its sites with virtual machines and consolidate its servers and storage into a managed data centre while maintaining local performance and lowering costs. Learn more about Riverbed SteelFusion’s capabilities in this free case study.

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Riverbed Steelfusion Helps Protect Business in Wake of Earthquake

When earthquake, Emilia, threatened the business, WAMGROUP decided to strengthen their branch office disaster-recovery capabilities. They wanted to be able to instantly recover their business and get their data and server rooms away from the high-risk earthquake zone.

WAMGROUP deployed Riverbed® SteelFusion™ branch converged infrastructure to replace physical servers at its sites with virtual machines and consolidate its servers and storage into a managed data centre while maintaining local performance and lowering costs. Learn more about Riverbed SteelFusion’s capabilities in this free case study.

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Riverbed Hyper-converged Edge

Hyper-converged Infrastructure has proven to be a revolutionary technology and a viable infrastructure approach for Data Centers around the globe. However, being “stateful”, makes it an unfit choice for remote branch. Learn about the pros and cons of HCI, and about the world’s first “stateless” hyper-converged architecture designed specifically for the branch.

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