B2B Content Marketing Report
This new Content Marketing Report is based on over 600 survey responses from marketing professionals to better understand the current state of content marketing and to identify new trends, and key challenges as wellas best practices.Request F…
Best-in-Class Paths to Shorten the Sales Cycle
B2B selling is not for the faint of heart. No other job consistently starts off every month with a sink-or-swim campaign to achieve quota.In this report, you’ll discover how top-performing organizations deploy technology and process.Download the …
Desencadeando TI: Big Data Edicão Especial
O Big Data oferece oportunidades incríveis para as empresas, independentemente de segmento. É para aproveitá–las, basta escolher os casos de uso adequados, as estratégias corretas e os parceiros certos, …
Gerenciamento e Análise de Dados
Navegar com sucesso pelas águas incertas da mudança neste novo momento de transformação dos dados requer a capacidade de tomar decisões rápidas e reagir prontamente. A Cisco e Microsoft …
El impulso del TI: Big Data Edición Especial
Los datos masivos presentan tremendas oportunidades para todas las empresas de todas las industrias y sectores. Es apenas cuestión de detectar los casos de uso correctos, las estrategias adecuadas …
Gestión de datos y análisis
Para navegar con éxito las peligrosas aguas del cambio en este momento disruptivo de la transformación de datos se requieren decisiones y reacciones rápidas. Cisco y Microsoft han unido …
Unleashing IT: Big Data Special Edition
Big Data presents tremendous opportunities for every company in every industry. It’s purely a matter of finding the right use cases, the right strategies, and the right partners that …
Data Management and Analysis
Successfully navigating the perilous waters of change in this disruptive time of data transformation requires rapid decisions and reactions. Cisco and Microsoft have joined forces to lighten the heavy …
The Pursuit of Social Persuasion
How marketers are using social display to build brand love and grow business 81% of U.S. consumers are influenced by a friend’s social media posts. Find out how today’s top …