Achieving Business Agility

Fundamental to business agility is the ability to make the right business decisions at the right time. Of course, data drives decisions—therefore, business agility actually starts with corporate IT and extends throughout the enterprise. This is w…

The Salesforce App Cloud Guide

In our personal lives, we’re surrounded by thousands of apps — from social updates that are pushed to our phones automatically, to shoes that instantly communicate how many calories we’ve burned.

Yet, at work, we still haven’t taken full advantage of these technologies.

So how does a business keep up with expectations in this new hyper-connected world?

The answer is Salesforce App Cloud.

App Cloud brings together a complete ecosystem of tools and services — including Force, Heroku, and Lightning App Builder — for building, running, managing, and optimizing apps using the same technology and expertise that fuels our success.

Contents Include:

  • Customer showcase apps built on App Cloud
  • Apps by industry for App Cloud
  • Appexchange apps built on App Cloud

You will also receive the Salesforce App Cloud Demo.

The Platform has evolved. Salesforce App Cloud brings together everything that has made us the world’s #1 enterprise cloud platform — and a whole lot more. App Cloud is a single, unified ecosystem of tools and services — including Force, Heroku Enterprise, and Lightning — that adds up to the fastest, easiest way to take the lead in the apps revolution.

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