Put The Business Back In Your Data Management Business Case
Read this Forrester report to learn how to develop a business go-to team that informs your data strategy and frame that strategy as a business success story.This independent report provides helpful insights to improve your data management model, better…
The Small Business Cloud Outlook
Small to mid-sized businesses today face a tough task; providing helpful collaboration tools that big businesses offer, without the large costs.Microsoft commissioned Spiceworks, a network of IT pros, to survey over 250 IT experts working at small to m…
The Forrester Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Office 365 Report
IDC: The Extended Supply Chain
Digitizing the Extended Supply Chain: How to Survive and Thrive
These dynamics require companies to adopt a digitized, extended supply chain model that can respond immediately to dynamic changes and satisfy increasingly demanding customers.Download this white paper to learn more.Request Free!
SunTec Uses Relationship Based Pricing to Supplement Core Banking for the Largest Bank in Africa
SunTec’ Xelerate enabled the bank to enhance their customer experience with personalized offers and innovative pricing schemes by maintaining customer and account hierarchy and providing a unified view of customer.SunTec was the first solution pro…
SunTec Uses Relationship Based Pricing to Supplement Core Banking for the Largest Bank in Africa
SunTec’ Xelerate enabled the bank to enhance their customer experience with personalized offers and innovative pricing schemes by maintaining customer and account hierarchy and providing a unified view of customer.SunTec was the first solution pro…
SunTec Uses Relationship Based Pricing to Supplement Core Banking for the Largest Bank in Africa
SunTec’ Xelerate enabled the bank to enhance their customer experience with personalized offers and innovative pricing schemes by maintaining customer and account hierarchy and providing a unified view of customer.SunTec was the first solution pro…
American Spa
American Spa is dedicated to helping spa professionals better their businesses. They provide spa owners and managers with inside information and trends on everything from the bottom line to wellness.Through the use of evocative photographs and an elega…