Ten Tips to Hone Your Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Processes

There are plenty of applicants but not enough candidates with the right combination of skills, experience, work ethic, and attitude to be top performers.

The success of any organization depends on its people. Employees are a company’s greatest asset—and that asset must be managed to yield positive results. At Sage, we call this the Return on Employee Investment, or ROEI.

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Transforming the Desktop to Align with Today’s Mobile Reality

In order for desktop computing to evolve past its limitations and successfully enter the modern age, the next generation desktop must be inspired by mobility. The key attributes of mobile and cloud computing need to be incorporated within or supported by the desktop architecture, including:

  • Real-time application delivery
  • End-user freedom
  • Secure access to services at the lowest cost
  • IT agility in meeting changing business needs

When this happens – and it is starting to happen now in forward-looking organizations – an enterprise can look forward to a wave of hard savings, workplace productivity, and business innovation that can catapult it ahead of the competition.

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How the Software-Defined Data Center is Transforming End User Computing

Thanks to the rising importance of business mobility, the BYOD trend, and improvements in the underlying technology, the rate of adoption of desktop virtualization is faster today than ever before. Virtual desktop infrastructure (inclusive of both desktop and application virtualization) is becoming foundational to end user computing strategy. And increasingly, that foundation is being built on a more agile, intelligent, high-performance infrastructure—known as the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC).

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