The Blended Attribution Playbook
To accurately measure the impact of online advertising, it’s important to holistically evaluate the performance of your campaigns. One of the best ways to do that is to use a blended attribution model, which measures the impact of your digital marketin…
DevOpsSec: Securing Software through Continuous Delivery
How do you build security and compliance into your DevOps platforms and pipelines? With this O’Reilly report, security analysts, security engineers, and pen testers will learn how to leverage the same processes and tools—such as version con…
Designing for Product Strategy
How do you create a truly unique digital product that has potential to disrupt the market? Or one that serves as a much better alternative to current solutions? This collection of chapters from several published and forthcoming books in the O’Rei…
Modern Java EE Design Patterns
With the ascent of DevOps, microservices, containers, and cloud-based development platforms, the gap between state-of-the-art solutions and the technology that enterprises typically support has greatly increased. But as Markus Eisele explains in this O…
Machine Learning for Designers
Machine learning is no longer just a tool for data scientists. By taking advantage of recent advances in this technology, UI and UX designers can find ways to better engage with and understand their users. This O’Reilly report not only introduces…
Governing the IoT: Balancing Risk and Regulation
Soon enough, the Internet of Things will play a dominant role in the economies of countries and regions around the globe. Many players are already involved, but so far no single company, agency, or department can be held accountable if (and when) thing…
Getting Analytics Right
Are your big data and analytics capabilities up to par? Nearly half of the global company executives in a recent Forbes Insight/Teradata survey certainly don’t think theirs are. This new book from O’Reilly examines how things typically go w…
Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming
The schism between the functional and object-oriented programmers is really a false binary. Yes, the first group argues that FP is superior for a multicore world, while the second insists that OOP is better at matching technical solutions to business p…
Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and Python
Take time to explore Microsoft’s Azure machine learning platform, Azure ML—a production environment that simplifies the development and deployment of machine learning models. In this O’Reilly report, Stephen Elston from Quantia Analyt…