Faster Builds with Turborepo and Stately

Enter: remote caching with Turborepo. Remote caching allows you to share build artifacts with everyone—including the CI. In this video with Turborepo Founder Jared Palmer and Stately Developer Advocate Matt Pocock, you’ll see how pairing Tu…

Do You Know Where Your Data Lives?

Paul Ward, Cloud Solutions Architect @ Converge Technology and Justin Lambert, Cloud Solutions BDM @ NetApp discuss how to leverage NetApp Data Sense for Hybrid Cloud and On-Premise Data Discovery, Mapping, and Classification. During thi…

Vercel for Frontend Teams

Vercel is an end-to-end cloud platform that helps frontend teams do their best work.  Find out how Vercel can help your frontend teams deliver a better developer experience, better user experience, and gain support from code to production.&nbsp…