Lean In Book Summary

We’ll start the summary by discussing Sandberg’s thoughts on the difference in woman’s place in schooling and the workplace. Next, we’ll move on to discuss Sandberg’s stance on why women hold themselves back and the differ…

Lean In Book Summary

We’ll start the summary by discussing Sandberg’s thoughts on the difference in woman’s place in schooling and the workplace. Next, we’ll move on to discuss Sandberg’s stance on why women hold themselves back and the differ…

Mindset Book Summary

Mindset is a psychological examination of two different mindsets; the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. She discusses how these come into play and how they affect our lives. Dweck’s book goes into detail about how mindsets can be applied to all are…

Mindset Book Summary

Mindset is a psychological examination of two different mindsets; the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. She discusses how these come into play and how they affect our lives. Dweck’s book goes into detail about how mindsets can be applied to all are…