3 Key Elements of a Proactive Occupational Health Program

More than 2.5 million workplace injuries and illnesses occur every year. More than half require days off from work, job transfers or job restrictions.1 The costs of those claims, lost productivity and job retraining add up — fast.

Your occupational health program is useful for when injuries occur, but a proactive program fosters a culture of workplace safety and focuses on keeping employees healthy and injury-free. Fewer injuries mean a healthier workforce and bottom line.

Download 3 Key Elements of a Proactive Occupational Health Program to get tangible advice on how to structure a proactive occupational health program. Learn what your organization can do to:

  • Reduce the incidence of workplace injuries
  • Maintain employee health
  • Implement a program that prioritizes workplace health

You’ll also learn how to work with an occupational health partner to ensure your program meets the unique needs of your employees.

Download the free report to get started.


1. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities. https://www.bls.gov/iif/.”

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