6 Tips to Debunk Truckload Myths in the C-Suite

Unprecedented transportation market inflation and persistent supply chain bottlenecks from the post-pandemic new normal have made logistics a hot-button topic at the dinner table and boardroom table alike. Transportation leaders are positioned to influence key business outcomes like never before, but they need to be equipped to educate executives on transportation market dynamics. Building credibility with executives requires dispelling common myths around economies of scale in transportation, routing guide’s relationship to the budget, and more.  

Download this checklist to learn how to debunk the six most common transportation myths and use transportation analytics as an educational tool:

  • Increasing volume always reduces cost per load
  • The purpose of an RFP is finding the market rate
  • The RFP creates the routing guide, which defines the budget
  • Carrier contracts ensure capacity
  • Paying higher rates leads to better service
  • Transportation is a simple make buy decision

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