A Stress Test for Your Estate Plan

However, estate plans can fall out of date and lead to unpleasant surprises for heirs. In a new report, we identify common problem areas that, unfortunately, our experts see all too often, including:

  • Parents who are surprised by the amount of wealth going outright to their children, particularly when they might not be prepared to manage it
  • Trust provisions that do not align with more contemporary goals like supporting entrepreneurship or environmental/social investment objectives
  • Unforeseen complications with passion assets, such as vacation homes or art collections, which are difficult to value, hard to sell and expensive to maintain
  • Unused lifetime gift tax exclusions or generation skipping transfer tax exemptions

Northern Trust’s proprietary approach to stress testing estate plans will give you a clear picture of how your plan will unfold. By identifying any surprises ahead of time, we can work with you to ensure your lifetime, family and philanthropic goals will be fulfilled.

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