Building Transparency in Liquidity Management Processes

Date: September 19, 2018
Time: 12pm ET | 9am PT

Managing corporate liquidity is a crucial function for any treasury team. The task is especially important, and challenging, in today’s volatile global business climate. Those managing cash flows have to be just as innovative as everyone else in the organization.

Amid geopolitical uncertainty, rising interest rates, and increasing complexity of corporate financing solutions, Treasury & Risk is presenting the 2018 Alexander Hamilton Awards in Liquidity Management for two projects that greatly enhanced treasury’s control over organizational liquidity. Learn how these companies have improved liquidity within their organizations and how they achieved best-in-class efficiency of core treasury processes.

Join this webcast and earn 1 AFP CE credit for attending*, and learn how:

  • Microsoft launched an initiative to improve corporate treasury’s visibility into structured financing solutions such as factoring, channel financing, and supply chain finance.
  • Clearsettle set out to centralize bank account management and improve transparency of cash stores around the globe.
  • To improve efficiency of cash management processes, and improve visibility into liquidity around the world.

Featured Speakers:

  • Damaris Sardenberg | Senior Finance Manager | Microsoft
  • Alistair Cotton | Treasury Manager | Clearsettle
  • Tom Leitch | Chief Operating Officer | TreasuryXpress

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