How to Address the Top 6 Pains in DHF Management

If your DHF is paper-based or hybrid (part electronic and part paper-based), the challenges grow exponentially. Discover insights that might help you address your DHF challenges. As well as the top 6 pains and recommendations for addressing them:

  1. The Organization is Unprepared for Audits
  2. The Design Review Process is Bumpy
  3. It’s Almost Impossible to Get the Signatures of Top Executives
  4. It’s Difficult to Implement Postmarket Change Control or CAPA
  5. Finding Documents through a “Gatekeeper” is Inefficient
  6. Managing DHF and Technical Dossier Can Require Two Teams

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How to Address the Top 6 Pains in DHF Management

If your DHF is paper-based or hybrid (part electronic and part paper-based), the challenges grow exponentially. Discover insights that might help you address your DHF challenges. As well as the top 6 pains and recommendations for addressing them:

  1. The Organization is Unprepared for Audits
  2. The Design Review Process is Bumpy
  3. It’s Almost Impossible to Get the Signatures of Top Executives
  4. It’s Difficult to Implement Postmarket Change Control or CAPA
  5. Finding Documents through a “Gatekeeper” is Inefficient
  6. Managing DHF and Technical Dossier Can Require Two Teams

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