Connected Transportation News

Global news about location-based, connected, autonomous and smart technologies for automobiles, rail, ships, trucks, urban mobility and other transportation modes as well as accompanying infrastructure.

Connected Transportation News provides fortnightly updates on finance, government action, and new technologies, as well as the latest case studies on successful new business models across the transportation sector. Our package of news from around the world includes:

  • Best Practices: management methods for deploying the latest smart and connected technologies in transport.
  • Next-Gen Transportation: tracking the latest developments in smart, connected, autonomous and self-driving technologies in automobiles, EVs, trains, ships, aircraft and personal mobility as well as intelligent roadway infrastructure, V2V/V2X communications, location-based services, incumbent infrastructure, telematics, insurance, self-driving machine learning and AI.
  • Industry Events: latest projects, acquisitions, regulations, and more.

At no cost, subscribers become associate members of the IoT M2M Council, the global trade association for machine-to-machine communications, including access to the IoT Content Library, featuring case studies for transportation-sector professionals!

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Connected Transportation News

Global news about location-based, connected, autonomous and smart technologies for automobiles, rail, ships, trucks, urban mobility and other transportation modes as well as accompanying infrastructure.

Connected Transportation News provides fortnightly updates on finance, government action, and new technologies, as well as the latest case studies on successful new business models across the transportation sector. Our package of news from around the world includes:

  • Best Practices: management methods for deploying the latest smart and connected technologies in transport.
  • Next-Gen Transportation: tracking the latest developments in smart, connected, autonomous and self-driving technologies in automobiles, EVs, trains, ships, aircraft and personal mobility as well as intelligent roadway infrastructure, V2V/V2X communications, location-based services, incumbent infrastructure, telematics, insurance, self-driving machine learning and AI.
  • Industry Events: latest projects, acquisitions, regulations, and more.

At no cost, subscribers become associate members of the IoT M2M Council, the global trade association for machine-to-machine communications, including access to the IoT Content Library, featuring case studies for transportation-sector professionals!

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