Cybersecurity in the Merger & Acquisition Process | On-Demand Webinar

Mergers and acquisitions pose unique challenges for companies as they work through the process of discovering as much about their potential target as possible.

The information the target company can’t provide could have a significant impact on its own security, as well as the buying company, should the deal be completed. Potential buyers need to know as much as possible about the target’s assets and infrastructure, as well as data management and protection, as they can.

The buyer can reduce the risk with AI-driven tools designed to automate the exploration process, help monitor during the sign and announce phase, and identify security issues during transition to operations.

In this webinar, experts will discuss:

  • Working through the phases in the merger and acquisition process from a cybersecurity perspective
  • Due Diligence
  • Sign and Announce
  • Integration/TTO

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