Facility Managers Guide to Body Temperature Detection

During the pandemic, the reopening of businesses is putting a strain on facility managers. There is a critical need to implement simple safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep tenants, staff, and visitors safe. One protocol required by many organizations is the screening for an elevated body temperature as people enter buildings and offices.

Taking someone’s temperature may seem like a quick process using a no-contact thermal hand-held thermometer. However, when you need to repeat that process for hundreds or even thousands of people in a short time frame, you quickly run into problems. Manual screening is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Get your guide to automated temperature detection and learn: 

  • How IR cameras can be used to automate screening
  • How you can replace manual screening and save on labor costs
  • Speed entry into buildings, preventing lines and tardy attendance
  • Improve temperature readings by focusing on the tear ducts

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