Frost & Sullivan recognizes CyberMDX as the Leader in Medical Devices and Assets Security Technology Innovation

In evaluating medical device security technologies, Frost & Sullivan named CyberMDX as the leader in Medical Devices and Assets Security Technology Innovation.

Frost & Sullivan identified two key factors – Technology Leverage and Business Impact – as areas where CyberMDX outpaced key competitors.

This report is helpful for hospital decision makers assessing medical device security solutions to protect patient safety and data privacy, while also ensuring they continue to deliver the highest levels of quality care.

To learn more about CyberMDX and why Frost & Sullivan named us the leader in this category, please read the full report.

"CyberMDX demonstrates thought leadership, technical excellence, and a unique customization ability to strengthen healthcare security through its platform. It also empowers the continuous discovery of medical devices and intelligent micro-segmentation policies and responses during cyberattacks."

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