How Asset Managers Are Transitioning to a Net Zero Future

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles gain influence in the asset management space, asset managers face challenges in complying with regulations to lower emissions as they assess the risks climate-related events may have on their portfolios. With many firms considering the transition to a net zero future, it’s imperative that they learn more about the tools and metrics other firms use to assess climate change risks and opportunities.

What is your company’s strategy for pursuing carbon neutrality?

Download the playbook that explores how treasury teams are minimizing exposure to the financial risks involved in constructing low-carbon footprint portfolios and developing climate-related trading strategies that can improve profits. Topics include:

  • How to leverage commitment from the executive team and company-wide.
  • Positioning to reduce the carbon footprint of both investments and operations.
  • Steps to creating accountability for achieving net zero emissions.

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