How Packet Uses Kentik to Turn Network Infrastructure into a Competitive Advantage

Cloud infrastructure provider Packet empowers developer-driven companies to deploy physical infrastructure at global scale. To do that, Packet must ensure their network is always up, with insights and automation that drive performance.

That’s why Packet turned to the Kentik AIOps Platform for revolutionary network analytics.

In this case study video, Packet's CEO and SVP of Network and Data Center talk about how they use Kentik's network analytics platform to:

  • Ensure network availability
  • Understand profitability on a per-customer basis
  • Defend against DDoS attacks and compromised servers
  • Help customers identify where they should deploy new network infrastructure

Packet co-founders Zachary Smith (CEO) and Adam Rothschild (SVP of Network and Data Center) discuss how Kentik helps ensure network reliability, visibility and security and the ROI they've received.

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