Improving Profitability Through Better HCM

Human capital accounts for 50-60% of variable costs within a company. Yet this all-important cost center is typically managed with fewer business intelligence metrics, less fiscal discipline, and more compromise than traditionally-valued aspects of business such as infrastructure, development, and support. Without stringent best practices for managing human capital, high turnover saps costs for training and knowledge transfer, while disengaged employees drain profits from your bottom line.

The simplest solution to these human capital ailments can be found in adopting a single, integrated, comprehensive talent management solution.

Case studies have demonstrated a 34% increase in sales per employee and 43% higher profits per employee as a direct result of leveraging a single best-in-class Human Capital Management (HCM) solution for all aspects of the employment lifecycle.

In this paper, we’ll explore five organizations that have already taken advantage of comprehensive people management and experienced these and other outstanding results.

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