Localize to Globalize: Unifying Messages, Experiences and Engagements Across Global Campaigns

In this age of the customer-defined experience, language and how we present content to our customers can mean the difference between rejection and transaction. While much focus has been placed on the channels through which content can be delivered, less attention has been paid to the globalization of content distribution and proliferation, as well as how localization has changed content requirements. This confluence of globalization and customer expectation has created a new need to look at how we globalize the entire scope of the customer experience, from the content we produce to the languages in which we present them across a truly worldwide web. To provide an understanding of how industry-leading brands are tracking, mapping and filling the globalization void, the CMO Council partnered with Smartling to conduct a series of executive-level interviews with senior marketers who are unifying experiences and messages across their brand.

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