Managing 21st Century Infrastructure: Using Advanced Tools to Crack the Complexity/Cost Problem

Large civil engineering projects, particularly infrastructure projects, have never been more important than in this post COVID-19 era. Global supply chains are shifting, and in America the re-shoring of manufacturing combined with a growing and moving population base means added demands on everything from rural bridge maintenance to large urban housing programs. Building out the 21st century with engineering methodologies that deliver on-time and on budget require the use of sophisticated software-driven tools to manage complexity and deliver value to multiple stakeholders.

Integration of project management, project lifecycle management, design and manufacturing software tools promise to deliver faster, more error proof, more manageable infrastructure projects. Getting multiple stakeholders on the same page has always been difficult, and the same accelerated time-to-market pressures driving American manufacturing also apply to critical infrastructure, which is needed faster than ever before. Is there a single solution to streamline this difficult problem?

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