Mastering Adaptive Customer Engagements

How customer-centric is your organization? Better yet, how customer-centric do your customers believe your organization is? The answers may surprise you. According to new research by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, only 14 percent of marketers say that customer centricity is a hallmark of their companies, and only 11 percent believe their customers would agree with that characterization.

Learn about the gaps that marketers are striving to overcome in creating more customer-centric organizations in the CMO Council’s new report, titled “Mastering Adaptive Customer Engagements.” Based on quantitative insights from more than 300 senior marketing executives—as well as interviews with 20 leading marketers from leading brands such as, MasterCard, Nine West Group, Sears Holdings, Sony Electronics, SunTrust Bank, Thompson Reuters, Western Union and more—the report also identifies the key action items that marketers can address to create more adaptive, customer-centric organizations.

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