Meeting the healthcare consumer with a digital-first approach

The rapid advance of COVID-19 turned every activity from school to movies into digital-first experiences.  The gradual resumption of patient-provider interaction 
has since paved the way for a remarkable surge in digital health.

The customer experience and engagement tools developed by online retailers have set an exceedingly high standard. Now more than ever, healthcare consumers demand convenient, seamless digital healthcare experiences, and the healthcare industry will need to catch up quickly to meet their expectations.

Accenture’s Digital Health Technology Vision 2020 survey revealed that eighty five percent health 
executives acknowledge that technology has become an inextricable part of the human experience, and ninety percent of health executives believe that in order to compete in a digital world, organizations must elevate their relationships with customers as partners.

Download this free ebook to learn

  • Survey insights: speed & convenience
  • Edging out the competition with patient engagement
  • Survey insights: patient engagement
  • Are health plans the new Amazon?
  • Survey insights: choosing providers, scheduling appointments

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