Optical Networking Digital Symposium

Title: Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 1 Session 1: Coherent Pluggables – The Next Chapter

Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes


Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 1 Session 1: Coherent Pluggables – The Next Chapter – September 12, 2023

In this session, we will explore the challenges and the latest developments for both direct optical connections and coherent routing.

Topics will include:

  • Coherent pluggable reality check: what has been achieved and what is needed
  • Scaling direct optical connections for data centers using pluggables
  • Extending the use of pluggables for metro, regional and long-haul networks
  • Operational challenges and solutions

Title: Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 2 Session 1: Systems Considerations for Coherent Routing

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes


Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 2 Session 1: Systems Considerations for Coherent Routing – September 14, 2023

This session focuses on systems-level requirements and considerations for communications services providers (CSPs) implementing coherent routing.

Topics will include:

  • Multi-layer and multivendor control and management: are we there yet?
  • Plug-to host-interoperability – defining the Common management interface specification (CMIS)
  • How to address mixed IP and OTN environments
  • Hardware and software requirements for an open optical line system (OLS)
  • Higher performance coherent pluggables for complex CSP networks

Title: Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 2 Session 2: Expanding the Metro, Regional, and Long-Haul, Capacity and Reach

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Time: 12:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes


Optical Networking Digital Symposium Day 2 Session 2: Expanding the Metro, Regional, and Long-Haul, Capacity and Reach – September 14, 2023

As 800G upgrades are rolling out across the globe we will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by these developments.

Topics will include:

  • Metro, regional, and long-haul networks: what are the current trends and the trade-offs between embedded and pluggable coherent solutions?
  • The latest DSP and optical developments for 1.2 T and 1.6 T coherent interfaces and the benefits they bring
  • Driving capacity and spectral efficiency: Opportunities and challenges
  • Where next? How close are we getting to the Shannon Limit?

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