Overcoming Common Objections to Premium Financing

When bringing up premium financing as a way of funding  IULs, you often get pushback because clients don’t have a full understanding of the strategy’s benefits. This is especially true of your HNW clients because they desire high-returns on their investments. You need a way to present premium financing options that will not disrupt their existing finances, while offering the extra insurance coverage they need.

Download this fact sheet now for information you can use to overcome seven client objections to IULs with premium financing strategies, including:

  • The numbers sound too good to be true
  • What happens if it doesn’t perform as expected?
  • What if the worst-case scenario happens?
  • The process takes too long and is too intrusive
  • And more…

Arm yourself with ways to ease clients’ fears and  get more HNW clients the coverage they need while also  boosting your book of IUL business.

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