Performance Television — The New and Improved TV Advertising.

For television advertisers, upfronts and Newfronts season sets the tone for the rest of the year. And in 2023, the big story was Connected TV (CTV). Advertisers plan to allocate 40% of their 2023 budgets to CTV, bringing upfront spend on this channel to $8.14 billion.

These days, there are two approaches to advertising on television: branding and performance marketing. Interest in the latter, in particular, is on the rise: where TV used to be an awareness-only play with a high price point that precluded smaller brands from participating, CTV has made the television advertising world vastly more accessible. 66% of MNTN customers are first- time TV advertisers, indicating that this ad market is expanding to a wider variety of brands. The way advertisers use the channel is shifting, as well—in a co-published MNTN survey, 65% of marketers reported that they consider CTV a performance channel.

Read on to learn more about performance television advertising—what it is, how brands are using it, and tips for how to successfully leverage it to drive real results.

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