Re-writing Today’s Manufacturing Job Profiles for Tomorrow’s Digital Workplace

Manufacturing has been suffering from a chronic skills shortage for a number of years. Events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the interlinked supply chain crisis, and, for some, Brexit, have amplified the problem.

Add to this the fact that business transformation and digital investment have changed manufacturing roles as we know them, and you have a real problem looming on the horizon. Manufacturers not only need to attract new talent, but it also has to be the right talent – people with the relevant skills and capabilities required for the modern manufacturing environment.

So what’s the reality and how can you deal with it?

IFS spoke with their manufacturing customers about the challenges of trying to find and recruit the right people. Their customers’ insight has given IFS a pretty good idea of how manufacturing roles are changing and the most important skills you should be looking for in your new-hires.

Download this infographic to find out more.

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