Ring Terminal Temperature Sensor Design Guide

With the development of advanced equipment for smart factories, high-performance computing, and e-mobility applications, keeping electronic equipment from overheating becomes increasingly critical. Therefore, surface temperature sensors are increasingly adopted in electronic equipment to prevent thermal overload or maintain optimal temperatures.

When searching for surface temperature measurement solutions, a ring terminal temperature sensor is often the first choice of designers because it allows simple screw-on installation. However, designers may have difficulty finding a ring terminal temperature sensor that matches the screw size of the product quickly due to the numerous ring terminal types and sizes of temperature sensors available on the market.

This design guide is intended to help simplify and shorten the process of finding the optimal surface temperature sensor. With the design guide, you can select the ring terminal, NTC thermistor, lead wire, and connector to build a surface temperature sensor according to your application requirements. The design guide also discusses factors to consider when designing temperature sensors. In addition, it outlines how THINKING’s thermal sensing expertise and experience will assist in achieving the temperature sensing tasks your product needs.

What you will learn:

  • The composition of a ring terminal temperature sensor
  • Factors to consider when designing a temperature sensor
  • Building a ring terminal temperature sensor to meet your application requirements

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