Sector Dispersion Creates Opportunities for Long/Short Equity Funds

As you struggle to predict which stocks and companies can weather the continuing economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to figure out what to do next for your clients. The economy continues to create some extreme gainers and decliners, which has led to wide sector dispersion. While this can create problems in general, it can also spell opportunity for long/short equity funds, which can also provide a hedge for investors looking for downside protection.

Read this article now to understand how a strategy of investing in long/short equity funds can work, in spite of the variance in sector performance. You will discover:

  • Which industries are already on the plus side of sector dispersion
  • Why flexibility within the sectors is key
  • How to find opportunities in healthcare, tech, and financials

Your clients look to you for advice in a market that remains volatile. Uncover opportunities that can be found in long/short equity strategies and trends.


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