Your Data Under Siege: Defend It With Encryption
Is your cyber security doing enough to protect your new, hyper-mobile business practices? Whether they are working in your headquarters, a home office, or on the road, employees, partners, and …
Is your cyber security doing enough to protect your new, hyper-mobile business practices? Whether they are working in your headquarters, a home office, or on the road, employees, partners, and …
Virtualisatie heeft de IT-omgeving van bedrijven geheel veranderd. De grootste voordelen van virtualisatie voor bedrijven zijn de prestatie-efficiëntie en optimalisatiewinsten, en de bijbehorende kostenbesparingen. Wanneer er op systemen beveiligingsoplossingen worden …
Cyberspionage klinkt wellicht als iets uit een film. Maar de werkelijkheid is dat vrijwel elk bedrijf het doelwit kan worden van cybercriminelen en ze gebruiken daarbij steeds geraffineerdere methoden. In deze whitepaper leest u hoe …
With Cognos ICM, eliminate manual number crunching and spreadsheet confusion.
Better sales performance management (SPM) capabilities that include advanced analytics and reporting allow organizations to gain real-time insight into sales operations, provide stakeholders with actionable steps, and increase revenues and …
Obtain greater speed, flexibility and visibility over variable pay programs.
IBM Cognos Incentive Compensation Management empowers Broadcom’s highly skilled sales teams to serve themselves with real-time compensation reports, and even perform what-ifs to predict the compensation from future deals – …
The adoption of a new Microsoft operating system can be a period of increased security vulnerability — particularly if the IT department doesn’t have the tools, technologies, and processes to …
New IT trends typically advance faster than the processes or regulations to manage and secure them. However, as high profile data breaches hit the headlines on a daily basis, data …
In today’s digital era, information security threats have increased exponentially. User-friendly technologies such as mobile devices, mobile apps, and cloud storage are often hacker-friendly too, creating opportunities for cybercriminals to …