The case for long/short equity funds as volatility rises

During this time of massive market volatility, it can be tough to stick with a long-only equity strategy. This is why some investors are taking a closer look at long/short equity strategies. As your clients look for ways to shore up their investments, these funds could limit downside exposure and provide much-needed diversification. 

Read this article now to get a deep dive into long/short equity funds, including how they traditionally perform, the benefits they provide, and why they are becoming a popular solution. You will also learn:

  • Why now is the right time for long/short equity funds (with volatility expected to continue)
  • Three ways this type of strategy attempts to generate alpha
  • How performance in different sectors may create opportunities

Your clients don’t want to keep suffering as the market swings up and down. Show your value now by introducing unique investing strategies!

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