The Road to Reopening

As nations and people around the world continue to deal with the tragedies created by the coronavirus pandemic, businesses wait for permission to reopen. Experts around the globe agree that reopening won’t be easy. Business leaders looking to resume operations will have to carefully consider not only the direct impact of COVID-19 on their organization but also its broader impact across their entire supply chain.

Hear from Mark Weatherford (California’s first CISO and DHS’s first Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity), Bob Brese (former CIO of the Department of Energy and Executive partner at Gartner), Gregg Spragg (former Senior Executive at Walmart Stores’ Sams’s Club Division) and J.C. Dodson (the Global CISO for BAE Systems) on the most likely, and most impactful, errors businesses may make on the road to recovery – and how they can avoid them.

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